Make Everyday a Holiday with a Cucumber Spa Getaway
Presenting Cucumber Spa Mixer, Miss Flighty’s most beloved signature concoction. An exotic mixture of razor thin sliced
cucumber, fresh lemon juice, a harmony of herbs and spices, and sweetened with a hint of agave. Add to your favorite citrus oriented cocktails-such as the Aviation, Collins, Lemon-drop or Gimlet Rejuvenate your cocktail regime with the renewing healing properties naturally occurring in the Spa Mix. Cucumber is notorious for it’s healing qualities, juniper berries provide kidney cleansing, coriander has been used for thousands of years for rejuvenation, ginger is a unique cleanser, and the additional herbal supplements ginkgo promote memory and blood flow, and chlorophyll helps fight fatigue and aid digestion, healthy lung functions, and builds red blood cells. While this is a powerful argument to consume Spa Mix in mass quantities, we aren’t here to argue and Spa Mix is best enjoyed tastefully.
A Versatile Cucumber & Herb Mixer that adds Pizzaz to your Favorite Cocktails & Mixed Drinks

Cucumber Spa Mix
Simply stated, spa mix is delicious with everything and for good reason it is the prime component for many of Alberta’s most beloved beverages. The Spa Mix is always bright and fresh, primarily due to the short shelf life, which is both a blessing and a curse. It is possible to “refresh” the mixture which will keep for 3-4 days, as long as its been kept cool, by adding half a cucumber  to your existing stock and letting it settle for 30 minutes or so before serving.  Another way to keep the Spa Mix always tasting top shelf is to strain the mixture, discarding the cucumber but allowing the majority of the spices to remain. The Spa Mix is prime freezer material, a frozen social occasion drink success always at the ready for your next garden party, ladies luncheon or office soirée. When you want to thaw and use, simply add fresh cucumber to the mix and again let sit before serving. all you need now is to add the tipsy sauce, and with the efficiency of ladies-

Cucumber Spa Mix in an Gin Sensation
choice flexibility, your guests will  be dipping and dancing whether you’ve spiked the Spa with vodka, gin, bourbon or any number of neighboring alcohols.Included is a recipe booklet joint project with Imbibe magazine. In 2004 when the Emma Peeler was created it was named “Best Drink Concoction” by the San Francisco Bay Guardian while Alberta was tending bar at the Orbit Room known city-wide as the neighborhood bar that was making fresh handmade classic drinks since 1995. The Emma Peeler was a bit different than usual Orbit fare, but the progressive thinking behind the recipe and the utilization of cucumber wheels in a time when other bars didn’t stock mint or use fresh citrus put the Emma Peeler on the map and ushered in the Flighty Hostess era of mixology.  With no culinary background, and at a time before books and blogs permeated our how-to consciousness, Alberta began experimenting like a madame scientist, intent on discovering how best to achieve that delicate slightly bitter flavor into a drink. The result of this period was the creation of the Spa Mix recipe as we now know it. Enjoy.
For more information about the versatility and tastiness of Spa Mix, check out what LeNell Smothers has to say about Spa Mix.
Spa Mix Recipe For Download on Super Swank Jet Age Travel Postcard!
 Check out these shows for Miss Flighty’s Recipes using her Spa Mixer!