the MacDaddy | Flighty Style Appletini with Pimm’s, Fresh Apple, & Ginger


The Mac Daddy was a recipe born from necessity, a fresh apple Flighty concoction to offer guests who ordered the dreaded Appletini. The latter is a drink that will not die, even at the Orbit Room (1900 Market St. San Francisco) a bar known for its fresh ingredients, and cocktail classicism.  Flighty feels that it is a bartender’s job to give the customers what they want, with no scoffing or judgment that is so often the case with today’s speakeasy style cocktail bar…but there is a limit and one customer on a busy Friday night reached it.  He ordered an Appletini and after explaining that, sadly, the Orbit Room did not carry Apple Pucker Liqueur–the key ingredient in said cocktail–I suggested that I could perhaps make him a drink with fresh apple and a hint of ginger.  The girly man gave poor Miss Flighty a cold look and replied, “umm…I don’t think so…I’ll just have a bottled water.  I thought you made good drinks here?”

Why yes, we do, but you wouldn’t know it if a party of hunky male pole dancers poured it down your throat–is what I thought but of didn’t say, you’re missin’ out on a Flighty Fav the Mac Daddy.  Made with wafer thin slices of fresh apple, ginger, Pimm’s # ! for complexity and vanilla vodka to appease those Girl Drink Drunks.  This beverage is way tasty, if you love apple and ginger you are gonna love it. xo Miss Flighty


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PS:  Check out the episode on Miss Flighty’s Ginger Cardamom Syrup, an important component of this recipe.  If you don’t have the time or inclination to make the syrup (which can be made in advance and easily stored for months in the freezer to be ready to use anytime) substitute plain simple syrup and slices of fresh ginger, muddle them together and your are ready to make a Mac Daddy Modified. Cheers!

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